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"Anyone who thinks that the world is showing its liberal, tolerant, modern, and cosmopolitan face in 2024 is mistaken. Homosexual acts are criminalized in 64 countries worldwide – in 12 of them, consensual, private same-sex sexual acts may even carry the death penalty. The majority of these countries are in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East."  Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

Gay and bisexual men living in countries that enforce laws criminalizing homosexuality are 12 times as likely to be living with HIV as those in the rest of the world - (cited NYTimes, Jan 19, 2024)


GNBPH is a global network and association of black professionals and black persons working in the field of HIV. GNBPH recognizes and honors the expertise, excellence, service and achievement of each Black person working in HIV (paid and unpaid) in his/her field of expertise. Black professionals and individuals working in HIV are everywhere in the world, working as doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, laboratorians, case managers, peer educators, lawyers, health ministers, clinic directors, faith and clergy leaders, volunteers, researchers, administrators, in every aspect of HIV service delivery, industry, research, policy development, program implementation, program evaluation, advocacy, human rights, funding, resource allocation and basic science in organizations and institutions around the world.

Working in HIV (paid and unpaid alike) in 2014 is very different than 20-30 years ago when some of us got our start.  Twenty-five years ago options for intervention were essentially focused on counseling, support, behavior change and palliative care.  Today, with better tolerated antiretroviral (ARV) regimes of one pill a day with greatly reduced side effects, the global HIV goals calling for 20 million people to be on treatment by 2020 and 90% of those who are in treatment reaching viral suppression by 2030 are actually attainable.  To achieve these ambitious goals, the global HIV workforce will need to re-think the global response.  GNBPH is the premier global organization serving as the catalyst for re-thinking the collective epidemic response.

GNBPH members are a part of a global network where ideas can be expressed, shared and honored.  GNBPH encourages and honors the accomplishments of Black professionals and individuals working in HIV and serves as a platform where all Black people working in HIV worldwide can grow and contribute to the global epidemic response.

The Beginning

During a community meeting in 2013 with a group of HIV service providers in the US, the idea emerged of creating a network to address the needs of black people working in HIV. After further discussion, the concept of a new forum to explore issues of concerns to black professionals working in HIV surfaced.  And given the reality that the greatest number of persons living with HIV around the globe are black people (of black African descent) it was agreed that an organization which seeks to bring together black persons, lay and professionals, working (paid and unpaid) in HIV would be uniquely positioned to address the needs of black people worldwide living with HIV, and/or at risk of infection.

Continued dialogue among Black people working in HIV, and additional outreach to affinity groups and likely Black Americans and Black Africans supporters began at two recent conferences (10/2014 and 11/2014):  one in the US—US Conference on AIDS sponsored by the National Minority AIDS Council; and one in South Africa—HIV Research for Prevention Conference sponsored by several organizations including Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, AVAC, AmFAR and the Microbicides Trial Network.  Interest in membership was high and all who were approached expressed interest in and agreed to be listed as early “charter members” of the Global Network of Black People working in HIV.

GNBPH Charter Members have the same responsibilities as all members, with the additional responsibility of supporting outreach and membership recruitment activities, participating in organizational development conference calls and coordinating engagement at conferences, meetings and other global convenings.



Images from the 2024 International AIDS Conference

Become a Member

It is our pleasure to invite you to join the Global Network of Black People working in HIV, (GNBPH).  GNBPH is the premier global association of black people working in the field of HIV worldwide.

Membership in GNBPH introduces you to others and gives you the opportunity to learn from a global community of black people with similar interests.  Through online portals, interactive subject matter and topic specific webinars, policy institutes and conference calls, you will interact with HIV leaders from around the globe. By joining GNBPH, you will discover that you are not alone.  In fact, you will meet and exchange information with many others who share similar experiences, expertise and energy.

Membership in GNBPH will provide you with:

  • Leadership opportunities

  • Topic specific conference calls and interactive webinars

  • Monthly e-newsletter covering global/regional policy issues, regional news

  • Peer to peer support

  • Policy review, analysis and advocacy

  • Collaboration with global/regional leaders in your field of practice

  • Networking with peers and other HIV professionals

  • Technical support and informal feedback loops

  • Monitoring and evaluation review and informal data feedback loops

  • Career opportunities, job bank, online job fairs

  • Conversation, friendship and fun

Meet, establish collaborations and topic/issue specific workgroups with members of your professional area of work and interact with others across a wide spectrum of professional disciplines and fields of practice such as medicine, psychology, epidemiology, social work, nursing, administration, research, case management, food and nutrition, public health, pharmacy, advocacy, business, volunteerism, education, media, legal, religion/theology, and many others

Interested in joining?  Complete the membership application form and submit it. Don’t miss out on being a part of creating something new in HIV worldwide.  Join today.  Remember membership fees are temporarily waved.


315 14th ST NW

Atlanta. GA 30318

P: 404-691-8880

F: 404-691-8811

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